Our Values and Guidelines

Principles and values inspiring our thought and leading our behaviour are based on the assumption that the development and growth are long term collective phenomena, which require passion, commitment, dedication, but also reliability, clarity and dependability.

We believe that doing enough is not adequate, as we always do our utmost

We always consider there is a possibility, so we never give up

We think that there is only one path to follow: growth

We keep alive the spirit of action and motivation to innovate

Dependability, loyalty and fairness constantly inspire our work

Trust, esteem and mutual respect are at the centre of our system of relationships

We work to make our competences helpful to other parties’ skills and abilities

Our strategic direction pursues both form and substance


Audentes Consulting avails itself of professionals with years of experience and proven attitude in the management of intangible resources and process transformation. We aspire to meet customers' expectations regarding any problem, request or need related to intangible resources and to service logic strengthening, during their path of development and organizational growth. We are proud to assist our clients in decision-making processes and in achieving successful results. Working closely with business organizations we share the same motivation and the same involvement. Constantly committed to making our business proactive, we employ creativity and passion in proposing high-level customized solutions. For this reason, we consider it important to dedicate part of our time to personal and professional growth, continuing our training and research. We also believe in diversity, respect and cultural differences as resources for mutual progress.


Audentes Consulting believes in the importance of teamworking, as a fundamental tool of the company's organizational structure and of the relational interaction of individuals. Our activities improve the coordination of company teams, the quality of their work, and the immediacy of decision-making processes. We work to make teams more effective in dealing with new problems and developing innovative solutions by integrating and sharing knowledge and providing method. Our style fosters participation, involvement, respect, avoiding prejudices and low levels of discernment. As an integral part of the teams, we share the sense of corporate priorities in the formulation of appropriate, transparent and timely solutions.


Audentes Consulting’s activities are characterized by a high level of transparency and trust, as they are essential elements of the relational process and the mutual creation of value. We believe that dialogue with our customers is extremely important to share and appreciate the steps of the decision-making process on an ongoing basis. The long-term relationship is strengthened through continuous commitment, broad involvement and firm motivation to generate results. Moreover, we encourage constant learning in our customers through sharing knowledge, and we are enthusiastic when we are asked to tackle more challenging issues.


Audentes Consulting applies high quality standards to its services, as it operates on aspects of fundamental importance for the company or for the organization. The methodological approach used substantiates the quality of our work and promotes improvement. In order to constantly raise the quality of its activities, Audentes Consulting promotes continuous professional growth for its staff, as well as full adherence to the principles and values of corporate behaviour. Furthermore, we are aware that, more than a slogan, quality is a way of being and doing.

Loyalty and Trust

Audentes Consulting bases its raison d'être on the highest commitment in helping clients to make projects successful. The specialized competence allows us to make our proposal unique both for the importance of the disciplines dealt with but also for the method employed in the implementation of the projects. Our work, based mainly on elements of knowledge, competence and information, is characterized by the highest confidentiality, loyalty and trust towards our customers. The path of fiduciary collaboration is an encouragement to make things happen.